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A public inquiry is examining deaths at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow

A flagship hospital under investigation over fatal infections has been given a positive review by inspectors.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland found Glasgow’s Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) has “generally good” approaches to infection control.

However, it also warned the facility was under “significant” staffing pressure, with dozens of wards carrying a risk rating of red.

The inspectors visited the hospital in March and June this year.

Ten-year-old Milly Main died in 2017 after contracting an infection at the QEUH’s Royal Hospital for Children’s cancer ward, and senior Scottish government official Andrew Slorance died in 2020 with an infection caused by a fungus called aspergillus.

Andrew Slorance

Andrew Slorance died in the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in 2020

The unannounced Healthcare Improvement Scotland inspection was said to be “wide ranging” and examined the prevention of aspergillus.

The report noted a lack of national guidelines for identifying and controlling the potentially deadly fungal infection in hospitals.

It added: “This means patient protection relies on professional opinion and interpretation of a highly expert topic which may lead to a lack of a standard approach across NHS Scotland.”

Healthcare Improvement Scotland said it would recommend to the Scottish government that it consider creating national guidelines for the NHS.

On staffing levels, the report stated: “On the first day of our inspection, senior managers told us that 27 wards across the hospital campus scored a risk rating of red at the start of the day.

“This can result from staff numbers or the staff skill mix not being optimal.”

It said patients were happy with the cleanliness of the hospital and staff were adhering to infection control measures.

Donna Maclean, head of service at Healthcare Improvement Scotland, said the QEUH was contending with rising admissions, waiting times in emergency departments and reduced staff availability.

“These pressures are not isolated to this hospital, with similar pressures being experienced across NHS Scotland,” she continued.

“Despite the significant staff shortages across the campus, staff within the clinical areas told us they felt supported by senior leadership, and we observed clear communication throughout the inspection.

“We observed that most infection prevention and control practices carried out by staff working across all roles to support care delivery was generally good, and in line with infection control guidance and standards.”

‘Positive feedback’

The report outlined “areas of improvement”, which will be considered as part of an action plan being developed by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

Health Secretary Humza Yousaf welcomed the report and “positive feedback” from patients.

He added: “Patient safety is paramount and the report highlights good infection prevention and control leadership at QEUH, a vigilant approach towards aspergillus infections, and strong communication across the multidisciplinary and infection prevention and control team.

“I note the HIS recommendation on the development of national guidance on the management of aspergillus infection and the Scottish government will give full consideration to this as part of its work in developing an interim healthcare associated infection strategy.”

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