Legacy Leaders Magazine

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The council’s leader said “There’s a long way to go yet, and developments of this scale don’t happen overnight”

Proposals for a new housing development in Grimsby have been approved by North East Lincolnshire Council’s (NELC) cabinet.

The area around Alexandra Dock was identified as an “underused” town asset in the 2020 town centre masterplan.

Leader of NELC, Councillor Philip Jackson, said the aim was a “fantastic urban living environment that’s kind to the planet”.

Councillor Philip Jackson, leader of NELC, said: “Our main objective of this work is to create a place that connects the town and its community with its waterside, creating a fantastic urban living environment that’s kind to the planet.

“We are working to improve the town centre as a whole, including increasing the leisure offer with our redevelopment of the western end of Freshney Place, and, through other Towns Fund projects, changing how the town is used as a whole.”

An NELC report said more funding is still being sought for the technical studies required, and for a development partner to work with the council on the scheme.

Initial land remediation work will be done this year to prepare the site for future phases.

The report said public consultations will be announced as the plans develop.

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