A new retirement living complex for people over the age of 60 has been approved by a council, despite receiving 20 objections.
The development, which will be located on green open space near Herne Road in Oundle, Northamptonshire, is made up of 42 apartments and one bungalow.
According to the plans, the main apartment complex will contain 19 one-bedroom apartments and 23 two-bed units.
The applicant, McCarthy And Stone Retirement Lifestyles Ltd, told North Northamptonshire Council the development would “meet a significant and growing need within the area”.
An existing large bungalow at the front of the site will be demolished to make way for an access road and footpath, the Local Democracy Reporting Service said.
Another smaller bungalow would then be built on the same plot, next to the access road.
Speaking in objection, Oundle mayor Ian Clark told the council’s planning committee that his town’s streets had been “pummelled” by heavy traffic for another site for older people.
The meeting also heard the Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board state there was not sufficient capacity to absorb the amount of people moving into the current health services and asked for £27,500 in financial contributions.
Many members of the planning committee also raised issues with the impact of the extra homes on Oundle’s roads and parking facilities.
A total of 42 car parking spaces will be provided for residents, staff and visitors.
But planning officers informed members that no objections were made by the highways authorities and the amount of parking was acceptable due to its location.
The plans were approved by members on Wednesday.