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News Letter News LetterNews Letter

Front page of the News Letter on Wednesday

Daily Mirror Daily MirrorDaily Mirror

Front page of the Daily Mirror on Wednesday

Belfast City Council planners backed the building project near Carrick Hill in north Belfast which proposes four houses and six apartments on a site yards from Clifton Street Orange Hall.

The Irish News says the properties will be the first “nationalist homes to be built fronting Clifton Street, which has been a parade flashpoint since 2012”.

Elsewhere, the newspaper reports that a woman sexually assaulted after her father-in-law’s funeral has said she is devastated after her attacker was not jailed.

John Shivers, 56, of Grange Park in Magherafelt, was convicted of the September 2016 assault last December.

He was sentenced to 220 hours community service at Antrim Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, placed on the sex offenders register for five years, and ordered to pay his victim £1,000 in compensation.

Craigavon hospital

Dr Mohammod Asaduzzaman was a locum consultant at Craigavon Hospital in 2016

The front page of the Belfast Telegraph features the inquest of Lurgan man Denis Doran, 57, who died of a heart attack after a locum consultant at Craigavon Hospital, Dr Mohammod Asaduzzaman, failed to identify symptoms of a cardiac problem.

Mr Doran died in November 2016, about two months after being told his chest pains were due to a hiatus hernia condition.

Dr Asaduzzaman admitted failing to identify textbook symptoms of a cardiac problem while working as a locum consultant in Craigavon Hospital on 29 August 2016.

“I know I made a mistake but it was not my intention,” he said.

PAcemaker Police are searching near a caravan park in BallyhalbertPAcemaker

Police are searching near a caravan park in Ballyhalbert

A police search is continuing beside the caravan park in Ballyhalbert where Lisa, who was 25, was last seen alive.

Joanne said what had happened to her sister had ruined the family’s lives.

Elsewhere, the newspaper reports that in a speech on Tuesday evening, the prime minister appeared to give up on the DUP’s request to seek changes to the Irish border backstop.

Theresa May said that she now plans to ask the EU for a further extension to delay Brexit for a second time.

The Belfast Telegraph reports DUP anger at the move who in a statement described Mrs May’s handling of negotiations with the EU as “lamentable”.

PA Theresa MayPA

Theresa May said she plans to ask the EU for a further extension

The Daily Mirror highlights a warning from retailers that a sharp rise in inflation will hit Northern Ireland hardest.

Aodhán Connolly of the Northern Ireland Retail Consortium said inflation will be “most keenly felt by lower income households who typically spend proportionally more of their family budget on groceries”.

Finally, the News Letter reports that a ‘toy poodle’ with a broken spine who was rescued from a Chinese dog pound is enjoying life in his new home in Moira.

Henry now moves around strapped to a specially adapted wheelchair.

He had sustained horrific injuries after being bitten by a larger dog in China, but Sharon Warnock paid £600 for his various flights to Northern Ireland.

“He is just such a happy wee dog and really good with children,” Sharon said.

“He jumps up on them even with the wheelchair.”

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